Brock Capital Honored By M&A Advisor At The 13th Annual M&A Advisor Awards

NEW YORK, NY – Nov 20, 2014

Brock Capital Group, a boutique investment bank and M&A advisory firm with offices in New York, won the Corporate/Strategic Acquisition of the Year (Over $250MM) award at M&A Advisor’s 13th Annual M&A Advisor Awards Gala.  Brock was among more than 130 nominees, representing over 600 companies, who were finalists for the awards.

Brock Capital received the award for its representation of the United Auto Workers Retiree Medical Benefits Trust (the VEBA), in the sale of the VEBA’s 41.5% minority interest in Chrysler Group LLC to Fiat Spa.  The deal closed on January 21, 2014.  The Brock Capital team, led by Alain Lebec and Charles Brock, has served as independent fiduciary advisor to the VEBA since 2009. Mr. Brock accepted the award along with Dino Mauricio, Abhishek Mathur, James Sterling and Peter Weprin.

“We are delighted to receive this award and recognition for our efforts on the VEBA and the Chrysler-Fiat merger, which was a very challenging transaction to complete,” noted Dino Mauricio, COO and Head of M&A Advisory at Brock Capital.

“The award winners represent the best of the M&A industry in the past year and earned these honors by standing out in a group of very impressive finalists,” said Roger Aguinaldo, CEO of The M&A Advisor.

The M&A Advisor has been presenting, recognizing the achievement of and facilitating connections between the world’s leading mergers and acquisitions, financing and turnaround professionals with a comprehensive range of services since 1998.  The M&A Advisor Awards, widely respected as a pinnacle of achievement in the industry, recognize excellence in deal making, restructuring and financing, celebrating the contributions and achievements of leading firms and professionals.


About Brock Capital Group

Brock Capital Group is a full-service investment bank organized in 2002 to provide clients with strategic advice and implementation assistance through outstanding executives and professionals from diverse corporate and governmental backgrounds. Brock teams leverage the broad collective experience of the firm’s 40+ partners as investment bankers, senior corporate officers, consultants, government officials, economists, entrepreneurs, accountants and lawyers to provide comprehensive client solutions that address often overlooked issues in corporate transactions. Services are provided through Brock Capital Group LLC, Brock Securities LLC, Brock Real Estate LLC, and Brock Fiduciary Services LLC.

Additional information about Brock and the services provided by Brock is available at